Thursday, April 12, 2012

Napowrimo Day 12

This blue dread. The previous
image overlaid over the present.
The dreams we do not follow.
Whether the destruction of non-
existence is more non-existence
or less.

Too textual to match. The pillow-
rain. Nothing but mugshots and a weird
sweating. The children in the back-
ground. Falling asleep until my book
falls. Simplicity's difficulty.

What I want when I'm asleep.
The difficulty of movement.
Sometimes somebody. The dreams
reddened into fog. Choosing
the untextual. Waking my
ambience, not my ambivalence. Auto-

graphic lumen, and what is about to fall
off of me, laden. Matching my bookmark
to my shirt. When yes is a no is a no
is a yes. My subject matter fading. Your
alluring agency.

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