Sunday, July 22, 2012

Incompossible Concordance

The Incompossible has:

5 references to birds or pigeons, 1 (absent) seagull.
4 references to suicide.
9 references to night or nightmares.
1 twin peaks reference.
1 fairy tale reference.
2 references to unicorns or the lack of them.
3 references to the color yellow.
4 references to the color red.
3 references to the color blue.
3 references to keys.
5 references to mirrors.
10 references to reality.
2 references to pirates.
3 references to anxiety.
There is 1 vortex.
4 references to quiet.
There are 6 secrets and 4 enigmas.
16 references to the World.
There are 3 dreams and 1 daydream.
2 references to naps.
5 references to pills.
1 Christmas poem and 1 Easter poem.
5 references to certainty.
3 references to sex.
8 occurrences of "belief" or "believe"
4 blankets.
9 references to Thought.
4 sadnesses.
6 references to mother, 1 to grandmother, 2 to Father.
4 references to tables.
And  the sentence "What I am repeating I will delete." - only once(!)

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