Monday, August 28, 2006

Part V of Eurydice by H.D.


So for your arrogance
and your ruthlessness
I have lost the earth
and the flowers of the earth,
and the live souls above the earth,
and you who passed across the light
and reached
you who have your own light,
who are to yourself a presence,
who need no presence;

yet for all your arrogance
and your glance,
I tell you this:

such loss is no loss,
such terror, such coils and strands and pitfalls
of blackness
such terror
is no loss;

hell is no worse than your earth
above the earth,
hell is no worse,
no, nor your flowers
nor your veins of light
nor your presence,
a loss;
my hell is no worse than yours
though you pass among the flowers and speak
with the spirits above the earth.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Paranormals of Moving

drinking a lot of sake while packing, started to feel like having flashbacks...the fan blades were moving, but the fan was not on. Also, the feeling of hearing a sound that is not part of the world you are occupying. Another parallel universe invading the one you are in. This feeling only happened ever when I was tripping, don't know why I am re-experiencing it. Like how when you would leave one room to go to another, the difference between the two realities was really freaky, and that they were sort of superimposed upon one another, and should not be, you are only perceiving paranormal realities because you are tripping. Maybe this corresponds to me moving and sort of occupying two locales simultaneously, and that it is disconcerting...

Part IV of Eurydice by H.D.


Fringe upon fringe
of blue crocuses,
crocuses, walled against blue of themselves,
blue of that upper earth.
blue of the depth upon depth of flowers,
flowers, if I could have taken once my breath of them,
enough of them,
more than earth,
even than of the upper earth,
had passed with me
beneath the earth;

If I could have caught up from the earth,
the whole of the flowers of the earth,
if once I could have breathed into myself
the very golden crocuses
and the red
and the very golden hearts of the first saffron,
the whole of the golden mass,
the whole of the great fragrance,
I could have dared the loss.